Monday, November 12, 2007

Odds and Ends - Also New Pictures in the Mid-Atlantic and Signs Part 2 Albums

I'll start with an odd- clearly the most unanticipated side effect of having hiked close to 1300 miles in the last four months is that my hair is getting lighter by the day. I had noticed this phenomenon for some time during past summers, but right now, I'm decidedly blonde. I don't really quite know what to make of this.
And now for an end, as in purpose, as in the Fisher House Foundation. Back when I was in the DC area I had an opportunity to visit Fisher House Foundation headquarters over in Rockville, MD and tour one of the 38 Fisher Houses nationwide, namely the first one ever built, which is at Bethesda Naval Medical Center. Not that I was ever in any doubt as to the amazing spirit and enthusiasm of the people that work for the Fisher House Foundation, but I came away positively floored at their commitment and their drive. Their work is so vital to our disabled veterans and their families and they deserve our utmost support and gratitude for what they do. The two guys who showed me around, incidentally, Derek and Steve, had both spent time in Iraq, and Steve is about to head back there voluntarily. Thoughts, prayers, and donations to Fisher House, my friends...
Hikewise, I've been booking it over the last five days. I've covered over 100 miles in that short amount of time, and will have to keep a pretty good pace up all the way to Savannah, where I need to be by December 20. However, the last few days have also featured some of my favorite hiking of the entire trek: verdant Virginia horse country, lots of historical markers (most of which, sadly, focus on one war or another), a stop at Montpelier- the home of James Madison, and tonight dinner with a friend down here in Charlottesville. And tomorrow morning, I'll be doing something really cool- more on that next time.


Anonymous said...

I am Princeton '75 and read about your hike in PAW Weekly. Forget about the Jeopardy thing. I am not a sycophant of "celebrities"; but Fisher House sounds like an admirable cause to which to devote your resources and energy.

I live in Titusville, Florida (right along the 95/US 1 corridor in Brevard County) and would be glad to offer you overnight accomodations if they would be helpful.

Contact info sent via direct email.

Anonymous said...

Hi, David, it doesn't look like you'll be hiking as far west as Nashville, but if your path should wander this way, please stop by for overnight accomodations and some Southern cooking. From former Ridgewoodites transplanted to Tennessee

sean said...

David, it was great meeting you in Lynchburg. I have really enjoyed reading your blog and will continue to follow your journey for the next several months. Good luck!